Seven Months Old!

If I thought Ke’alohi changed a lot last month, this month has just been plain ridiculous.  Just in the last three days, Ke’alohi has gotten her first tooth, started clapping and even crawled!  Isn’t that nuts?
Ten Facts about Ke’alohi at Seven Months:
  1. Weighs 20 pounds and 8 ounces and measures 27.25 inches.
  2. Can roll over continuously!
  3. Has her first tooth and is working on a second!
  4. Favorite foods are sweet potato, poi and mango.  Hates peas!
  5. Sleeps through the night or wakes up once to hang out with Mommy.
  6. Still loves looking at herself in the mirror.
  7. Starting to grab Duke and Harley to play.
  8. Wanting to crawl for her toys!
  9. Beginning to recognize her name.
  10. Claps when she is happy.


  1. New follower from Mom Bloggers, love your beautiful site. Kristina from Twins In Tow

  2. The Fab Free says:

    What a beautiful baby girl!!! omgoodness!
    My baby is girl will be 17 this year and miss those fat little cheeks!! lol

    Saw the linky at Reflexions and I'm glad I did. Love your blog – following now. :)

    Check mine out when you get a chance – it's all about saving tons of money, getting fabo free stuff and repurposing stuff. ;)

    Have a happy day!!

  3. OpaPuna says:

    Great blog, Mahina!

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