Eight Months Old!

Eight months just seems so old; I can’t believe that our little girl has been on this Earth that long! I swear she get more mobile, more beautiful and shows more personality every day. She is perfect in every way and is growing up way too fast!

Ten Facts about Ke’alohi at Eight Months:

1. Weighs 21 pounds and 3 ounces and measures 28 inches.
2. Crawling everywhere and gets into everything!
3. Recognizes her name when you call it.
4. Grabs Duke and Harley to play with her.
5. Both her teeth are showing completely.
6. Claps when she is happy.
7. Started a bedtime routine and is starting to get used to it.
8. Favorite foods are carrots, squash and pears. Hates anything green!
9. Daycare says she gets a bit of an attitude with the boys.
10. Likes to go on walks in her stroller!




  1. Courtney says:

    Yaaaay! happy 8 months, Big Girl! Loves the attitude with boys :) And I love the new blog look, Momma!! Nice job!

  2. Opa & Puna says:

    Recognizes her name AND has an attitude around boys??? So akamai!! :)

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