First Haircut!

I have been “fighting” with Lucas to cut Ke’alohi’s hair for some time now.  Don’t get me wrong, I thing she is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen, but she has a mullet.  There is no denying that this girl has a head of hair.  Since the day she was born we have had to wash it, comb it and style it, but for the last couple weeks it has gotten a bit out of hand.  Her bangs are starting to go into her eyes and the back of her hair is so long, that she looks like an 80′s rock band baby groupie.  

Lucas reluctantly agreed to let me get her hair cut but I was only allowed to cut the bangs and bag and trim the sides to make it even.  We went up to Encino to Lollicut, and they did a fabulous job on Ke’alohi.  She is cute as a button and we are loving her little bob.


  1. Cute blog!! I am following you from the Made In A Day blog hop, I hope you will stop by Swanky Baby and follow me too!

  2. Vickie Cook says:

    Awwww! The first haircut is always memorable! She is adorable!

    Thank you for stopping by and linking up with the Get Wired Blog Hop. I am following you.

    Have a beautiful day!


  3. huda says:

    good post
    new follower of ur blog
    now follow my blog

  4. OpaPuna says:

    Great haircut!

  5. Autism Mom says:

    cute picture! thanks for stopping by and joining my blog hop! now following you! :D

  6. Terri. says:

    OMGosh!!! Your baby is sooo cute!!! I am your newest follower from the Fabulous Friday Hop, hope you get a chance to check out my site…

  7. Alejandra says:

    Aw, the first hair cut! Such a cutie. I'm your newest follower from the "Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop." Please follow back:) Happy Hopping!

  8. Catherine says:

    New follower from the hop! What a sweet post. Brings back memories of my babies first haircuts. I love your blog. I'll be returning to check in…


  9. She is so cute! I need to cut landons hair so bad but I'm so afraid they are going to mess up and cut too much or make it uneven…hes almost 8 months so out really needs done!

  10. Kim says:

    Adorable! Newest follower from the blog hop! Look forward to getting to know you! -Kim

  11. Dawn says:

    What a cutie pie! Stopping by from the blog hop, and following you now via GFC. Hope you're having a fabulous weekend!

  12. Grzegorz says:

    This out first haircut. Check this out:

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