Nine Months Old!

Nine months was how long I had Ke’alohi in my tummy and now it is how long she has been with us.  I remember thinking how fast my pregnancy had gone by, but since having her I swear time has been going by even faster.  If anyone knows a way to slow down time, please let me know.

Ten Facts about Ke’alohi at Nine Months:

1. Weighs 21 pounds and 10 ounces and measures 28.5 inches.
2. Now has four teeth to chop on food (and our fingers!).
3. Bedtime routine is solid and working.
4. Scares Duke and Harley when she crawls at full speed towards them.
5. Favorite foods are squash and apples. Starting to like peas.
6. Daycare says she gets a little bossy with toys.  Who is that from?
7. Still crawling everywhere and gets into everything!
8. Favorite place to hang out is Daddy’s lap.
9. Loves going to the park and playing on the swings.
10. Loves Mommy’s iPhone.



  1. woo hoo for #3 and jack is the same way with #8 and #9
    She is so cute!

  2. Opa & Puna says:

    She looks great! Happy 9 Months Ke’alohi! We love you!!!!

  3. Super Cute!

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