Ten Months Old!

TEN MONTHS…  We are officially in double digits and I don’t like it one bit.  I have actually thought about maybe just skipping this month-aversary altogether and then regrouping next month.  Hahaha. Seriously though.

Ten Facts about Ke’alohi at Ten Months:

1. Weighs 22 pounds and 13 ounces and measures 29.5 inches.
2. Uses her walker like its a bumper car and loves ramming into walls (and our feet).
3. Sees everything and anything as something to climb on.
4. Duke and Harley still don’t like that she is mobile (but she loves it).
5. Favorite toy is still Mommy’s iPhone.
6. Still loves going to the park and playing on the swings.
7. Crawling so fast and is getting into everything before we can stop her!
8. Favorite foods are pumpkin, bananas and zucchini.
9. Still has only four teeth to chop on food (and our fingers!).
10. Loves to pull out all of Duke and Harley’s toys and clothes from their bins.



  1. Heather says:

    Mihina your page is a breath of fresh air! I found your page through the exposure 99% hop, and just love reading about your family. My favorite place in the whole world is Hawaii and your references to the culture and language make me smile. What a beautiful family you have!


  2. OMG! She is so stinkin’ cute!!!!
    Just here to look around. Followed you back. Thanks for stopping by. You can also put your button on my blog. There is a tab at the top of the page for blog buttons if you would like others to find ya.

  3. So cute. Happy to be following along to see how she grows!

  4. Oh my! She is just the most adorable little darling ever! Thanks for stopping by! I wanted to be sure to check you out too! Super cute! :)

  5. Daisy says:

    Such a fun age! There are awesome contests on my blog like the “What to Expect” books that are fun to read during her first two years.

    Daisy @ http://trendymomreviews.blogspot.com

  6. Theresa says:

    She is the cutest thing I have seen all day! What a doll! Thanks for stopping by Theresa’s Mixed Nuts. I am a new Linky Friends follower :)


  7. Camille says:

    She is too cute! They grow up so fast, I wish I could freeze time sometimes.

    Thanks for your congrats on my blog post. :)

    • Mahina and Lucas says:

      Thanks Camille. I wish I could stop time too! When are you due? I’m so excited that you are going to have another little bundle of joy!

  8. Michelle says:

    She is soooo cute! I wish I would have had a blog when mine were younger to write stuff like this down! Hope you have a great weekend!

    • Mahina and Lucas says:

      Start now Michelle! If I’ve learned anything from being a mommy, it’s never too late to take more pictures or to start documenting things.

  9. Opa & Puna says:

    Still can’t believe she is already 10 months old. She babbles all the time and crawls super fast! Such a lovely child.

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