BornFree Bottles Review

As you know by now, I research the hell out of baby things before I make a purchase; with bottles it was no different.  We started Ke’alohi off the first couple weeks with Playtex Drop-Ins because it was what my mom used and she swore by them.  We liked them a lot and didn’t have any problems with them other than the fact that we were constantly buying liners and I knew that it would get “old,” fast.  I knew I wanted a “regular” bottle and narrowed it down to Avent, Dr. Brown’s and Born Free.  Lucas immediately eliminated the Dr. Brown’s bottles when he saw how many parts they had and what a pain it would be to clean them.  Avent had pretty good reviews but I wasn’t sold on them because we wanted to make sure that Ke’alohi wouldn’t have any gas or colic problems.  I really liked the Bisphenol-A Free (BPA) design of the Born Free bottles and thought that we should try them out.

Boy was I right and I’m SO happy with them!  The “revolutionary inner valve” completely takes out all the air in the bottles.  Since we have had them, Ke’alohi has not gotten gassy once and after a couple months didn’t even needed to be burped after she ate.  The company states that, “The bottles have a simple two-part venting system that is specially designed to reduce the vacuum build-up inside bottles that often can lead to gas, spit-up and painful colic in newborns.  The inner valve allows a continuous free flow of air into the nipple while the baby is feeding and is also medically acknowledged to reduce the risk of ear infections in babies and toddlers.”  Reducing the risk of ear infections was huge for me because my family has a long, bad history of ear infections and I would do just about anything to prevent Ke’alohi getting one.   I also loved the “wide neck design” because it is great for making it easier to wash and fill with formula.  For breastfeeding moms, the wide nipple base mimics the breast and supposedly makes the transition from breast to bottle easier.  Along with taking out all the air in the bottles, we have never experienced a bottle leak which is AMAZING!  They are also dishwasher safe if they are on the top rack, though we have never had to wash them in the dishwasher because they are so easy to wash and dry on our bottle rack.

We are so happy with these bottles and have bought the BornFree training sippy cup and plan to purchase the straw cup in the future.  Without a doubt if we had to do it all again, we would purchase these bottles; we might have even refrained from using the first bottles we purchased and started initially with these.



  1. Ashley Jones says:

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    Keeping Up With the Joneses

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