What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag

With one of my friends having her baby this week, it’s got me thinking about my own hospital experience and specifically what I packed in my hospital bag.  To say that I was in denial at the end of my pregnancy and totally lagged on packing my hospital bag is an understatement.  We had most of the essentials packed away in our little suitcase, but it was missing A LOT!  After I was unexpectedly induced into labor after a routine doctor’s appointment, Lucas and my mom had to run home while they were starting my pitocin to grab the bag and last minute items.  Needless to say, I learned my lesson and next time, I will be packed by 35 weeks like my doctor had suggested.

  • Paperwork: Picture ID, Insurance Card, Birth Plan and any Hospital Paperwork.  If you can pre-register at your hospital, do it because it will save you a ton of signatures, time and filling out paperwork when you come in for your delivery.
  • Toiletries:  Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash, Face Wash, Toothbrush/Toothpaste, Brush, Headbands/Hair Ties, Deodorant, Lotion, Breast Pads, and Face Wipes (for labor and right after delivery).
  • Camera/Video Camera: Make sure that you have enough memory on the memory cards and that the batteries are fully charged!  Our camera started to die right after labor and for an hour (during her first bath) we had to use our iPhones for pictures.  Don’t forget to take your chargers too!
  • Your “List”:  We had written down the names and numbers of family and friends that we wanted to make sure found out first (before Facebook) that we had our baby and what he/she was.  Because the gender was a surprise, the list and first call was extra special to us.
  • Outfits for Baby:  Bring one or two outfits for the baby to be in for pictures, meeting visitors and to go home in.
  • Car Seat: You can’t take your baby home without one!  It helps to bring up the seat the day before to size the straps to your baby so that you aren’t worried or stressing about it the day you are discharged.
  • Nursing Pillow:  I used this pillow for both nursing and myself when I was sleeping.  Since I was on bedrest the first 24-36 hours after my delivery, it was the only thing comfortable in my bed.
  • Nursing Bra or Nursing Tanks:  This is where I blew it.  To be honest, I didn’t think I was going to be able to nurse or think I was even going to try to nurse so I didn’t look until getting one of these.  Having a nursing bra or tank would have totally helped instead of having to pretty much take off my clothes every time she needed to feed.
  • Technology (aka Phone & Laptop):  It was a nice distraction being able to play games on my iPhone and look at Facebook on our computer while I was in labor.  Lucas was able to update his status when Ke’alohi was born with his “It’s a Girl!” status and picture.  Don’t forget to take your chargers too!
  • Change of Clothes (for Daddy too):  Make sure that you over pack this.  I only had about 2-3 days of clothes for me and 2 days of clothes for Lucas.  But because we induced labor and had an emergency c-section we ended up staying in the hospital 5 days and Lucas had to run home a couple times to replenish our clothes supply.  A warm zip-up sweater or robe and comfy slippers are nice to have when walking the halls with your baby and when you have visitors.
  • Snacks: We were in labor for 16 hours before we had an emergency c-section so snacks were a must for those times and the next 4 days we were in the hospital.
  • Things We Didn’t Need Because Our Hospital Provided It:  Towels, Pads, Post-Delivery Underwear, Nipple Cream, Breast Pump, Baby Hats & Shirts, Wipes, Diapers, Burp Cloths, Receiving Blankets, Baby Wash, Brush and Thermometer.
This was our first family picture and it’s still my favorite one!


  1. Opa & Puna says:


  2. Esmeralda says:

    Thank you for this list, it will certainly come in handy soon ;)


  1. [...] the only thing I am going to put on the list that I wish I had gotten.  Like I said in my “What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag” post, I wish I had purchased a nursing bra.  It would have made the end of my pregnancy, [...]

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